
Accident Prevention

What’s the big deal?
Daily we are inundated with words, phrases and paperwork on Project referring to working safely. For most this seems like “old stuff” – but it is also “important stuff.”
A lot is at stake for you in working without injury or damage. You have much to gain by keeping fit and unhurt, financial security being the first consideration. But other reasons are just as important. Think about your loved ones who count on you for emotional support, as well as perhaps financial support, who have a big stake in your safety as a productive worker.
There are other considerations, like what you want most out of life. Perhaps it is indulging in a favorite hobby. Maybe you want to buy a boat, a new set of wheels, go on a trip to far-off places, entering or finishing school, enjoy early retirement, or a establish a business that is yours. Remaining injury-free and employed has a lot to do with achieving your goals in life.
Think of all the things you are able to do now that give you earning power; then think of trying to do these same things if you were minus a hand or arm or leg or your eyesight. Would you be able to attain the same goals being disabled?
Safe work practices and rules do not “hem you in” or “cut down on your individual freedom.” Safe work practices are designed to help you keep your freedom and your abilities, so that you have a better chance of getting what you want most out of life.
A risky habit or dangerous condition on the job is a threat to your freedom and your future. Working efficiently and without injury is the safest avenue leading from where you are to where you want to be.